Years ago, Patty bought a starter home with her husband. She moved when she got pregnant into a second home. She and her husband expected to move to a third and larger home after just a few short years. Fifteen years later, she and her husband are still in that second home. They never found the time to move. They had the means and they had the desire, but one day turned into one week and one week turned into a few months...year after year flew by and now instead of thinking about larger homes, Patty and her husband are considering downsizing because the kids will be out of the house soon. Patty got tears in her eyes when she told me about how time seems to accelerate as you get older. All of these moments that she experienced were gone before she ever took a moment to truly appreciate them.
I'm beginning to believe that my countdowns force me to overlook my days. I don't want to be like Patty. I don't want to look back at my life when I'm 40 and get teary-eyed thinking about how fast it went. I want to appreciate everything that has yet to happen to me.
Being in a long-distance relationship has been both rewarding and challenging. Our time together is so precious. We look forward to being reunited but then the time just goes by so quickly. The past 9 months for me have been spent counting down until we're together, hardly realizing when we finally are, and then starting a new countdown without realizing what happened or where the time went when we could be together.
This past visit, I vowed that I would change my habits and appreciate everything instead of looking back after the trip with regret. When I was there, I had the opportunity to look forward to the next big thing. I was so excited about different dinners or events that we were going to go to and the excitement could have easily clouded the present moments. Instead, I took the time to recognize how blessed I am. I would find myself glancing at the clock and wishing for it to be time to go to our next meeting but when those thoughts came, I would force myself to instead consider how lucky I was to just be with my best friend in a grocery store line or to appreciate that we were in the same car together- something that I take for granted when I'm back in Michigan. I trained my thoughts to recognize and see my current blessings instead of think about my next desires.
It's not an easy process. I didn't know how to live in the moment when every fiber of my being wanted me to plan for the big and small parts of my future. Redirecting my thoughts took a lot of will power and even more self-awareness. I haven't solved my problem and I don't know if I'll look back with regret when I'm older. I will say though, for all you planners out there, it is possible. And it is so completely worth it. I don't feel regret about this last trip. I don't feel anxious about wanting to see him again. I'm happy and I feel blessed. I feel like my current, every-day life is amazing. Despite having to sit through Tax class, I know that in five years I will look back at this current moment, longing for the time when I was in law school. This awareness for the current moment helps me appreciate things as mundane as Tax class. I urge you to appreciate today for what it is, both the good and bad parts. Not just acknowledging the cliché phrase that you've often heard, but because you owe it to yourself to act in a way that won't cause you to think back about your past and get tears in your eyes at age 40, wishing that it all hadn't gone by so quickly.